Rosemarie Scullion, Ph.D.
Rosemarie Scullion's research and teaching focus on twentieth-century French literary and cultural studies, French women writers and feminist/gender theory, contemporary European literary theory, French cinema, and modern French history and historiography. She offers a wide range of interdisciplinary courses that bring literary, cinematic, cultural texts into critical dialogue, exploring how contemporary theories of history and and subjectivity help us understand how modern French identities (national, ethnic, racial, gender and political) are ideologically and discursively shaped. In her research, she has focused on French novelist Louis-Ferdinand Céline, on the history and memory of the 1930s and the Nazi Occupation of France. She has also written on Duras, Perec, Ponge, Michel Foucault and topics in French cinema. Her current scholarly work is centered on the literary and film production of the Cold War period in France.
In 2002, Scullion received the Collegiate Teaching Award, a university-wide award recognizing Faculty excellence in graduate and undergraduate teaching.
- French Cinema and the Crisis of Globalization. Special issue of SubStance, 43.2 (Spring 2014); co-edited with Nathalie Rachlin.
- Cinéma Engagé: Activist Filmmaking in French and Francophone Contexts. Special issue of South Central Review, 17.2 (Fall 2000), co-edited with Van Kelly.
- Louis-Ferdinand Céline and the Politics of Difference. Eds. R. Scullion, P. Solomon and T. Spear, (Hanover and London: University Press of New England, 1995)
- Memory in Context: Occupation and Empire in France and the Francophone World. Special issue of Studies in Twentieth Century Literature, March 1999; Edited the half of this publication dealing with the Nazi Occupation of France
- Demythologizing the Occupation: Literature, Culture and the Memory of Vichy France. Guest edited special issue of SubStance, 87.3, December 1998.
Articles in Journals, Chapters in Books, Critical Introductions
- “On The Lessons and Experience of History,” SubStance, 47.2 (2018): 175-96.
- “Introduction: From Engagé to Indigné: French Cinema and the Crises of Globalization.” SubStance, 43.1 (Spring 2014): 3-12; Co-authored with Nathalie Rachlin (equal contributions)
- “Lessons for the Neoliberal Age: Cinema and Social Solidarity from Jean Renoir to Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardennes.” SubStance, 43.1 (2014): 63-81.
- “Inscribing the Historical: Film Texts in Context.” in William Guynn, ed. Routledge Companion to Film Studies. New York: Routledge, 2010, pp. 127-38.
- “Standing Still: The MLA Associate Professor Survey.” In Profession 2009 (New York: MLA, 2009): 213-350. Co-authored with Kathleen Woodward and Sarah Poor.
- “Ersatz Maternity in Occupied France: Jean Stelli’s Le Voile Bleu.” Contemporary French Civilization 31:2 (Summer/Fall 2007): 263-288.
- “Feminizing National Memory: Mossadegh, Milani and The Hidden Half.” South Central Review 23.2 (Summer 2006): 1-11.
- “Reaching Out: Interdisciplinarity, Foreign Language Departments and the Liberal Arts Curriculum.” Profession 2006. New York, MLA, 2006. 129-137. This article was originally published in ADFL Bulletin 36.3 (Spring 2005): 5-9.
- “Considering the Possibilities: Thoughts on Relations Between English and Foreign Language Departments.” In “Language and Literature in the Academy,” a special issue of the ADFL Bulletin. 36.1 (Fall 2004): 27-30. Reprinted in ADE Bulletin. 136 (Winter 2004): 25-28.
- "On the Waterfront: Class Action and Anti-Colonial Engagements in Paul Carpita's Le Rendez-vous des quais," South Central Review, 17.3 (Fall 2000): 35-49.
- "Unforgettable: History, Memory and the Vichy Syndrome," Studies in Twentieth Century Literature, 23.1 (Winter 1999): 9-24.
- "Demythologizing the Occupation," SubStance, 87.3 (December 1998): 3-5.
- "Georges Perec, W and the Memory of Vichy France." SubStance, 87.3 (December 1998): 107-129.
- "Writing and Resistance in L.-F. Céline's Féerie pour une autre fois I," L'Esprit Créateur, 38.3 (Fall 1998): 28-39.
- "Prisoners of Pain: Marguerite Duras's La Douleur," in Marguerite Duras Lives On, Janine Ricouart ed. New York: University Press of America, 1998 (151-63). This chapter is a revised version of an essay that appeared in The Journal of Durassian Studies, 2 (1990): 33-43.
- "Family Fictions and Reproductive Realities in Occupied France: Claude Chabrol's Une Affaire de femmes," in Identity Papers, S. Ungar and T. Conley, eds. (Minneapolis: University of Press 1996): 156-77. An earlier version of this essay appeared in L'Esprit Créateur, 33 (1993): 85-103.
- "Michel Foucault the Orientalist: On Revolutionary Iran and the 'Spirit of Islam,'" South Central Review, 12.2 (Summer 1995): 16-40.
- "Vicious Circles: Immigration and French National Identity in Historical Perspective," SubStance, 76/77 (1995): 30-48.
- "L.-F. Céline and the Politics of Difference: Introduction." L.-F. Céline and the Politics of Difference, R. Scullion, P. Solomon and T. Spear, eds. (Hanover: University Press of New England, 1995): 1-12; 216-18.
- "Choreographing Sexual Difference: Ballet and Gender in Céline," in L.-F. Céline and the Politics of Difference, R. Scullion, P. Solomon and T. Spear, eds. (Hanover: University Press of New England, 1995: 241-68; 233-37).
- "Céline in Cross-Cultural Perspective," in South Atlantic Quarterly, 93.2 (Spring 1994): 513-22.
- "Style, Subversion, Modernity: L.-F. Céline's Anti-Semitic Pamphlets" in Fascism, Aesthetics and Culture, Richard Golsan ed. (Hanover: University Press of New England, 1992: 179-97; 268-74).
- "Zénon dans la cour pluvieuse de Françis Ponge," French Forum, 16 (1991): 187-98.
- "Madness and Fascist Discourse in L.-F. Céline's Voyage au bout de la nuit, " French Review, 61 (1988): 715-23.
Book Reviews
- Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne by Joseph Mai (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2010). Contemporary French Civilization (38.1 (Spring 2013): 117-18.
- Grand Illusion: The Third Reich, The Paris Exposition and the Cultural Seduction of France, by Karen Fiss (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010). Contemporary French Civilization 35.1 (Spring 2011): 178-80;
- French Literary Fascism: Nationalism, Anti-Semitism, and the Ideology of Culture, by David Carroll (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995), L'Esprit Créateur, 37.2 (Summer 1997): 92-93.
- Skirting the Issue: Essays in Literary Theory, by Mary Lydon (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995), Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, 28.1 (Spring 1995): 109-13.
- Framing the Sign: Criticism and its Institutions, by Jonathan Culler (Norman and London: University of Oklahoma P., 1989), Studies in Twentieth Century Literature, 15 (1991): 190- 93.
- Night Voyager: A Reading of Louis-Ferdinand Céline, by Philip Solomon (Alabama: Summa, 1988), Romanic Review, 81(1990): 271-74.
- Céline and His Critics: Scandals and Paradox, ed. Stanford Luce (Saratoga, CA: Anma Libri, 1986), South Central Review, 6 (1989): 118-20.
- Reproductions of Banality: Fascism, Literature and French Intellectual Life by Alice Y.Kaplan (U. of Minnesota P., 1986), SubStance, 58 (1989): 100-02.
- Louis-Ferdinand Céline by Maurice Bardèche (Paris: La Table Ronde, 1986), MLN , 104 (1988): 925-28.
Literature Courses
- The Twentieth-Century French Novel
- French Literature of the Twentieth Century
- The Modern Novel
- Twentieth-Century French Drama
- French Women Writers of the Twentieth Century
- The Politics of Revolt in Twentieth-Century French Drama
- Configuring Class Difference in 19 th and Xxth Century French Literature
- Transgresser le Carcéral: L'Ecriture romanesque de Céline, Genet et Duras,
- Marcel Proust and the Sign
Cinema and Cultural Studies Courses
- Global Women's Cinema
- Contemporary French Cinema
- Gender and Sexuality in French Cinema
- Cinema, Society and Culture in Xxth Century France
- French History in/and Cinema
- "Cinéma Engagé: Activist and Social Filmmaking in France"
- Tales of Love in French Literature and Film
- Strange Defeat: France Under Nazi Occupation, 1940-44
- The Holocaust in French Literature and Film
Theory Courses
- Critical Theory and Practice
- New Historicisms in France from the Annales to Foucault and Beyond
- Critical Approaches to French Literature
- French